For my reaction to the podcast I decided to doodle and draw while listening and writing out the words that stuck out to me in my reaction. Also I started to want to visualize the timeline as they jumped throughout the episode and started to think of the different locations and occupations involved with COVID tracking, reporting, and testing. I’ll continue to fill this out as I think about the content and maybe add some notes about what I was doing during the times mentioned in the episode.
Doodle and word cloud of the COVID Tracking Project Part 1 Podcast
I chose the following two vizzies to share with the class because they were ones that I saw shown in exhibits in New York and that I took pictures of as examples of ways I could use my technical or design skills plus research to create artwork with data. I appreciate how both of these vizzies have been translated into a physical installation that I was able to interact with next to other art work and design pieces.
by Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler
I saw Anatomy of an AI System at the Museum of Modern Art a couple weeks ago.
This visualization for me uses various charts and graphs to show the complexity of what it takes to power AI and also I really was struck by the income distribution chart on the left hand side.