
Develop an interactive exhibit concept improving on an in-person exhibit you visited, focusing on improving at least THREE elements of the design and experience. This can be as simple as a picture of the space with a markup of the new design or taking the existing floorplan and redesigning, repositioning, and reconceiving the exhibit altogether. Push yourself.

Original Exhibition Trip Report and Links:

Trip Report: Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

Content mapping of Schomburg Center Langston Hughes Exhibit

Content mapping of Schomburg Center Langston Hughes Exhibit


Exhibit Redesign Questions

Answer these questions with your design, sticking with the major themes (narratives and artifacts) of the existing exhibit:

Big Idea Statement - What concept do you want your exhibit to tackle? What narrative do you want to express? What story do you want to tell?

The Ways of Langston Hughes: Griff Davis and Black Artists in the Making

The exhibit explores different roles Harlem Renaissance poet Langston Hughes (1901–1967) played throughout his life in influencing Black artists through the lens of his friendship with photojournalist Griffith Davis (1923–1993) which began when Hughes was Davis’ professor at Atlanta University.

Through Griff Davis’s photography and archival material from the Schomburg Center’s collections and letters, the audience experiences Hughes as a Artist, Mentor, Collaborator, and Friend.

Adapted from by original exhibit website.

Exhibit Goals

- What do you want people to see, do, learn, or otherwise take away from your exhibit/museum?  In what way do you want to inspire your audience? (think about the readings from earlier classes)