Software timekeeper. Implement a working timekeeper in code. This can be in the language of your choice. You might attempt to pay homage to a timekeeper you’ve seen elsewhere, or from your design analysis; or create a novel one. Consider how you create something that changes over time – do you use the current frame, a time function such as hours(), a time object, or some other method?
Screenshot of the p5.js sketch showing the particles that are drawn with each finger movement across the screen and instructions for how to play the instrument.
🖍️ Sketch: I recommend it working best for now using a browser on a desktop or laptop device vs mobile, currently I’ve been testing using Google Chrome so there might be bugs on other browsers as well.
For this assignment I built off of previous web synth to add a toggle drum beat.
More details about the process below as well as some thoughts from my inspiration break in the middle of coding!
I knew I wanted to experiment with the following topics: randomness, physical movement, perception of time, music, visuals and cycles, meditation. So I set a 5 minute timer and did a brain dump/ mind map around those topics and what I might want to make.
My 5 minute software timekeeper mind map on paper
I decided to make a musical time keeper that uses body movement to help anyone make a beat. This gave me enough direction to decide I wanted to build a web metronome and drum machine that you can control with body motions.
This summer I started working as a part of the team at ITP working on the ml5.js library and have been experimenting with it a lot for other projects ITP as well so decided to stick with that direction for this software project. I figured a good first working MVP to work on would be a metronome and then I could work on adding the controls for it through ml5.js.