The digital cut-up. Create a notebook program that reads in two or more texts and stores portions of them in Python data structures. The program should create textual output that creatively rearranges the contents of the text. Use functions from the
module as appropriate. You must use lists as part of your procedure. Choose one text that you created with your program to present in class.
Grandma’s Hand Mirror (generated example)
Bill Easy Easy
like as as
Photos: 1-2-3 1-2-3
quiet Crochet Crochet
Bob are are
and sure sure
She'll to to
Lonely delight delight
FOUR a a
Me variety variety
guitar, of of
Happier tastes tastes
melanin serious
Style Cream ONE
Shea Butter Withers
Natural Oils Ain't
Long-Lasting one
Definition gum
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
setsat setsat reippaH
fo fo ,ratiug
yteirav yteirav eM
a a RUOF
thgiled thgiled ylenoL
ot ot ll'ehS
erus erus dna
era era boB
tehcorC tehcorC teiuq
3-2-1 3-2-1 :sotohP
sa sa ekil
ysaE ysaE lliB
mug noitinifeD
eno gnitsaL-gnoL
t'niA sliO larutaN
srehtiW rettuB aehS
ENO maerC elytS
suoires ninalem
The text files and Jupyter notebook can be found at the Gist below:
RWET Assignment 2: Grandma's Hand Mirror
Objects in my apartment that remind me of my grandma. Text sources from objects around my house that remind me of her including:
For the formatting, I was inspired by this podcast episode I listened to on theories on why we cry and particularly around mirroring and crying to evoke empathy
Back cover of Bill Withers Live Record Sides Three and Four
Inside cover of Bill Withers Live Record
Back cover of Bill Withers Live Record Sides One and Two
Inside of Bill Withers Live Record Sides Three and Four
Full back cover of Bill Withers Live Record Sides Three and Four
Front cover of Bill Withers Live Record
Front of jar of shea butter hair styling cream from Melanin Haircare
Back of jar of shea butter hair styling cream from Melanin Haircare
Ingredients on jar of shea butter hair styling cream from Melanin Haircare
A Note From the Editor of Easy as 1-2-3 Crocet book By Carol Alexander
Inside cover of Easy as 1-2-3 Crocet book By Carol Alexander