Friendship Love Letter Generator

Assignment #1

Many well-known poetry generators, especially those from the beginning of the computational era, work by drawing randomly from a limited vocabulary of strings and composing those strings using straightforward string manipulation techniques (like concatenation, splitting, joining, indexing, etc.). Create your own poetry generator using these techniques. Use one of the generators implemented in this notebook as a starting point for your creation. It’s okay if at this point you’re just copy-and-pasting code! You should be able to identify the parts of the code you can change without breaking things. (But also don’t be afraid to break things.)

In your documentation, discuss the poetry generator you created and how it differs from the code it was based on. Why did you choose the vocabulary that you chose? Does your generator succeed in creating output that surprises you?

For this assignment, I updated the love letter generator in the examples provide to create my own friendship love letter generator.

Below is a poem generated by the notebook:

Honey Anxiety...

We are their silky horse girl. Your purple
Bahamas Connect Four kindly autoclaves my
stalactite: my guided flagella. Your
empathetic jawn affirmation junction breathes
my Hot Hands. Your citrus claw enchants
through my acetylation acetone.

Ours lovingly...
 <3 smb

Below are two intersections with other classes I’m taking this semester:

Drawing of poem text with black pen for drawings surrounding the poem in a calligraphy style.

Drawing of poem text with black pen for drawings surrounding the poem in a calligraphy style.

The Jupyter notebook is hosted in the Gist below.

Friendship Love Letter Generator - RWET Week 1

What I Did

Python and Jupyter Setup